120+ Best Chance Statuses Ideas for WhatsApp That You Love

The chances we take in life, take us a long way ahead. We seldom do not realize when we miss out on a chance but regret strikes later for sure. Here are some of the best Whatsapp statuses on “chance” to light up your mood- 

Inspirational WhatsApp statuses on “chance” 

-I always played safe until I got the chance of my life and I went rogue! 

-We human beings never understand the whims of time and hence ruin our chances by our inhibitions 

-I am what I am today only because of the chances that I jumped on while others stared at it from the bay

-It takes a little courage to take that first leap of faith but then you will soon be habituated!

-A little courage every day is what we need when it comes to be mentally prepared to take chances 

-You can take charge of your life and take a chance today or stare back at it 5 years later and then regret 

-It is only human to realize that the value of missed chances are way more when they are actually gone

-You say I have a “chance”. I hear “opportunity”, and I do not remember leaving out on any ever!

-It is way easier to work your ass off to win and encash a probability than sitting and regretting on it later 

-Satisfaction arrives when the chances you take in life are worthy and you can make the most out of it 

-I have never been the daring person and hence I have always lagged behind in my life! Do not follow this, take more chances in life 

-When you miss a chance, you should not break down because the best is probably yet to come

-After all those years of struggle, all your fate will finally depend on that once fair “chance” which is the gateway to success 

-Everything has validity for a limited period of time and so does the biggest “chance” in life! Grab or it is gone!

-Take more chances today because what if tomorrow your luck fails and you do not get a “chance” any more

-The possibility of making it big when you take a chance is way greater than sitting idle and repenting on a lost cause 

-Live your life, take the risky chances in life and you shall have memories worth looking back at later

-I hate to regret and this is why I assert my authority over every chance that comes my way.

-Life is not a fair game without the chances that it brings to us! These are like lifelines in a game, you grab them to make things better! 

-I have always believed that every chance that comes to us has the possibility of liberating my soul

-Second chances are rare, I believe in grabbing the first one so hard that I never seek the 2nd one! 

-You cannot plan your chances, you have to just flow with it and it’ll take you to amazing destinations in life.

Deep thought WhatsApp statuses on chance

-One day, you will have a chance to prove to the world that you are better than others. Work hard till then! 

-In life, I choose to take my chances. And you? 

-A life without taking chance is a life that is wasted every ounce! 

-Evaluate your chances, not every opportunity is worth your effort

-I made my life what it is through limitless chances and all of them worked in my favor

-Luck favors the brave and brave is the one who took chances in life

-If you want an average life then stick to the basics and if you want a legend life then go ahead and grab every opportunity and take risks 

-Higher risk = greater reward | Take your chances after proper calculation.

-A winner in life is someone who evaluated every chance that came in life and picked the right ones 

-You cannot just sit and hope for chances to drop by! Work for it mate

-Nothing comes easy except disappointment! Work day in and out and create your own chances 

-One chance can change many lives, think again! 

-Possibility is co-incidence but opportunity is pure result of manifestation 

-We blame it on luck but little do we know that we make our own luck

-You must be shallow, still reeling from luck and chance, the world has moved on to cause and effect 

-Second chance is never assured but you gotta have a plan if you ever get it!

-Living a life without edging yourself close to risk boundaries by taking chances is truly missing out on living! 

-When you will near a chance, the universe will give you signals. Watch out for them and strike gold when it is your chance!

-I know that the best part of life is that you aren’t defeated as long as there are chances of even hope of it 

-When life presents you with chaos, I try to find a chance in it! Your positive approach can win you medals! 

-Life is dynamic so you have got to take every half chance that falls on your way up the ladder 

-If you stop and don’t take the chance and someone else will! 

-Play by your rule book and make encashing every chance the first rule in that book

-Unless you take the chance, can you really be sure of the outcome?

-You are more than what you think you are! So take chances that are bigger than normal ones 

-Today was the day a year back when I took a leap of faith and joined freelancing. The chance I took paid off and I earn well now.

-Chances are like history, at a later date you can only look back at it but cannot use it for your purpose anymore 

-Always remember – “One chance at a time”. You don’t want your life to becomes too risky, right? 

-If it is planned then it ain’t by chance 

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