245+ Taunting Status For Friends & Relatives

Hi, are you looking for a taunting status to put up on WhatsApp? Then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I will share with you the best taunting WhatsApp statuses that you put up on your post.

Taunting WhatsApp Status For Boyfriend

  • There is no room for you in my heart, but it is definitely yours in the trunk of my car. 

  • Sorry, I called you stupid and offended you. I really thought you already knew. 

  • I will not block you or delete you. I will hold you and let you see how happy I am. 

  • Someone wants to hire my boyfriend for a week so that he won’t kill him for bothering him? 

  • Never underestimate a person’s ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes. 

  • Men or shoes? I choose shoes. They last longer. 

  • Today is National Animal Day. Take a moment to remember your ex. 

  • If your ex tells you, “You will never find someone like me”, just smile and say, “This is the point.” 

  • Dear ex, I am very happy to see you as an example that needs attention in the future. 

  • I left because you never asked me to stay. 

  • A strong man can control a strong woman; a weak one will say he has status. 

  • God, I’m sorry to disturb you, I forgot that I only exist when you need me. 
Taunting Status
  • Boy: Does it make you laugh like me? Girl: It doesn’t make me cry as you do. 

  • I hate my boyfriend who doesn’t shave and wants to kiss me and catch me! 

  • Sorry, I offended you with common sense. 

  • Real men will never stop showing a girl what she means to them, even if they have one. 

  • The wrong person wants to lock your phone. A real man would say, “Hey, dear, can you read this news to me?” 

  • People like you are the reason for our middle finger. 

  • Why didn’t my friend notice when he urinated in the seat? 

  • If money farts, my friend will become a millionaire. 

  • Why not sneak into a more comfortable place, such as a coma? 

  • I don’t think it smells worse than my friend’s feet. 

  • When your mother sent you to school, she got a garbage ticket. 

  • Does the child need a degree to lower the toilet seat? 

  • I don’t know who is messy; the dog is still my friend. 

  • When do children start to teach them to drink milk cartons in their lives? 

  • For some reason, every time I wash the dishes, my friends create more chaos. 

  • If my friend steals the quilt again, I will slap him. 

  • My friend always turns on the air conditioner every night; it freezes me to death! 

  • Some people can slap their faces only with a chair. 

  • Don’t want a mocking answer, don’t ask stupid questions. 

  • I just got home and my boyfriend is playing video games in underwear, uh, guys. 

  • Why do nursing staff think it is fun to drink all the water without adding water? 

  • A real man never gives up his girlfriend. He fought for her. 

  • Sometimes, when my boyfriend and his friend play video games online, I laugh. 

  • My friend tore his pants and tried to pick something from the floor! 

  • Has anyone seen their boy cutting his nails on the bed? 

  • I have the hardest guy in the world; I just got my nose drilled by him! 

  • There is nothing worse than going to the bathroom behind my friend; disgusting. 

  • I’m afraid of rainy days because I know that my boyfriend is full of mud.

Taunting Status

Taunting WhatsApp Status for Girlfriend

  • Zombies feast on brains; you are safe. 

  • Train your heart to see all good things. 

  • No insult; your face speaks for itself. 

  • If you work harder to be smarter, I will work harder to improve. 

  • How many color pages can one person have? 

  • Stupidity is not a crime, so you can go.

  • You should pretend you are listening. 

  • There are high heels and sandals everywhere in my apartment. 

  • Did your girlfriend ask you to carry your wallet? 

  • My friend has enough jewelry to open her shop. 

  • How can a woman cook today? 

  • I love my girlfriend, but sometimes I don’t know what she thinks. 

  • No matter how much the girlfriend exercises, she can’t open the jar to save her life. 

  • Tell me…Is stupidity a job, or are you just talented? 

  • I am not smarter than you; only you are more stupid than anyone else. 

  • He never went to lunch on Sunday before he had a girlfriend. 

  • Wow! There is a big bump in the middle of the shoulder! Oh wait, this is your face 

  • I have never seen my girlfriend angrier than I hide her favorite lipstick. 

  • I like you half and half, I like you half and half, half what you deserve! 

  • What is the meaning of painting? The monkey is still a monkey. 

  • I don’t know why the girl is so angry with the toilet seat; leave it alone! 

  • Watching the bride fall down is both funny and sad. 

  • You are so ugly. When you were born, the doctor said: “What about the baby? 

  • When you go out, the girl can’t eat for two seconds! 

  • That doesn’t mean you are strange… Only other people are normal. 

  • Yes, No one has a dramatic Netflix like me. 

Taunting Status
  • I don’t understand how a girl can only eat salad! 

  • You are so ugly; tears flow down when you cry… Just to hide your face. 

  • Every time I want to watch Netflix and relax, it must be my girlfriend’s choice, um! 

  • Girls shouldn’t sleep because I wake up my girl every time. 

  • When your girlfriend thinks you are sleeping and farting, I think it’s weird. 

  • I speak my Language because I like to deal with better people… 

  • The girl who thought about me on a long bus trip. She is an American idol and has been singing.

  • Why don’t you sneak into a more comfortable place, such as a coma? That would be better. 

Taunting Insulting Status for haters

Haters pioneer your success because they drive you to push your boundaries and prove them wrong. But sometimes, they also need a lesson and a word of advice to know their limits! Check out these insulting words that might be the answer to them, shoot them with these, and leave them speeches! As we know that actions indeed speak louder than words, but words are the most powerful weapon one has. 

  • I’m not worried about the haters. They’re just mad because the truth I’m telling contradicts the lies they’re living.
  • I can’t help but imagine how much better the world would be if your dad had just pulled it out. 
  • Light travels faster than sound, so you looked glowing until you spoke.
  • Haters are my favorites. I built an empire with the stones they threw at me. Keep showing hatred.
  • The more you hate, the more I rise! So, keep it going already.

Taunting Status for relatives

Everyone reading this surely has relatives who are no less than enemies! Be it from your father’s side or your mother’s; we are surrounded by them. The kind of relationship they maintain is up to gossiping about your life and your results. The repeat telecast then goes on and on till it reaches every house on your family tree! So, why not deal with them with some taunting quotes to shut them up?

  • I have no place for you in my heart, but I have some in the trunk of my car.
  • I’m sorry I insulted you by calling you stupid. I thought you already knew. 
  • Never underestimate someone’s ability to make you feel guilty for their mistakes.
  • God, sorry to bother you; I forgot that I only exist when you need me. 
  • For people like you, the middle finger was invented.

Taunt status for friends

Friends are indeed saviors of our lives. But in our lives, we do come across some snakes disguised as “friends.” We all do have someone or more than one such friend. They might act like the sweetest honey you have ever tasted, but when you get the actual taste of them, they are more bitter than most of the bitter gourds out there. They deserve a taunting word from your side, so check the status ideas below.

  • They won’t respond to your texts but are shown active on Instagram.
  • They are ignoring you now, but they will need your help later.
  • Some people only see each other five times a week, so they are just friends.
  • Fake friends call me only when they are in trouble, and after that, they’re like dew on a leaf.
  • If you keep fooling me, I can’t help but think you want something as rough and dirty as I can.


Don’t taunt the alligator, meaning?

~ It is a very famous quote that signifies the importance of understanding the right moment to taunt an agitated person so that it doesn’t go against you.

What does taunt mean?

~ A taunt is an act of mockery that a person performs to indirectly hurt the person or make them feel unwanted for a particular thing.

Is taunting a good move?

~ A taunt can be both good and bad, depending upon its intensity. A frequent act of taunting can result in mental trauma for a person, and you would be a bully.

Is taunting a form of bullying?

~ When the limits of taunting are exceeded and are reached at the stage of mental torture for a person, it is no less than bullying. Being careful while making any such move is important.

How to taunt in Guilty Gear Strive?

~ The players are, by default, provided with the taunt button available under the shoulder keys during a fight. If not available, head to the button settings, and you can add the taunt button to your pre-set button set.

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