101+ Best Gender Reveal Invitation Wording From Bland to Grand! (Images)

“Gender Reveal Invitation Wording” marks the beginning of a happy chapter in your life as expectant parents.

It’s an opportunity to set the tone, develop excitement, and encourage your loved ones to share the joy of learning your baby’s gender.

Your choice of wording, design, and style creates the first impression of your unique event. Whether you want a classic, playful, or trendy tone for your gender reveal party, the wording on your invitation is crucial to establishing the mood.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating the right gender reveal invitation wording, ensuring that your invitations leave a lasting impact and make your celebration one to remember.

What to Write on Gender Reveal Party Invitation?

Crafting the perfect gender reveal party invitation is your opportunity to create a buzz around the event.

Whether you’re going with a classic pink and blue theme or something more distinctive, your invitation should mirror your style and the excitement of the gender reveal.

  • Don’t forget to create suspense in your invitation
  • Make sure to ask everyone to come
  • Mention that it wasn’t possible without them
  • Ask for blessings from elders
  • Don’t anyone go until the food is served

Gender Reveal Party Invitation Wording Ideas

  • We will have a beautiful baby in our family, and it’s your turn to guess as we arrange a gender reveal party. Join the party and let us know what you think.
  • At a certain age, everyone wants a baby; it doesn’t matter whether it is a boy or a girl. We are also having a baby in some months, so we are arranging a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Join us for a celebration and to learn the secret news 
  • Let’s reveal our baby’s gender as we are arranging a gender reveal party for our baby, who is coming into the new world in some month. Come and have some fun and drinks, my friend.
  • It’s party time. We are having a baby in less than three months, so we are having a gender reveal party on (date) at our home. Wear blue or pink, and let us know what you think 
  • We are the happiest people on the earth right now because we are having a baby in our family, so we have arranged a gender reveal party to share this happiness with you and tell you the big secrets.
  • It’s been five years of our marriage, and now we are having a baby. We wanted to share this happiness with all our members, so we arranged a gender reveal party. Come and join the party, we will share some food, drinks and the secret news.
  • You’re invited to a gender reveal party as we have a beautiful baby. Let’s celebrate this happy moment with us. Come and have some fun. 
  • We can’t hold back a secret as we are having a baby. Join the gender reveal party and share what you think, boy or girl? Let’s celebrate this happy moment with us on (date) at (venue). 
  • After a long wait, we are having a baby, so we have arranged the gender reveal party on (date) at (venue), and your presence will make us happy. Come and have fun and learn the big news. 
  • Come and share the blessings, we are having a baby girl so on this happiest moment we have arranged a grand party on (date) at (venue)
  • Let’s share some drinks and celebrate this happiest moment of our life as we have a beautiful baby girl in our family. Come and have some fun. 
  • The biggest, the craziest, the loudest, and the funniest party is on the way as we are having a baby girl. Don’t miss this party and share your time with us. The party is on (date) at (venue)
  • You know how much a baby means to us, and soon, we will have a baby girl in our family. At this happiest moment, we are having a grand party on (date) at (venue) and invite you to this party. Don’t miss it. 
  • We were living for this moment, and finally, we had a baby boy in our family. We couldn’t be able to live without sharing this happiness with you, so we are having a grand party on (date) at (venue). Join the celebration 
  • The gender reveal party is on the way to wear pink to support having a girl and blue for a boy. The party is on (date) at (venue) 
  • Surprise! We are having a baby, so we have arranged the gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). I’d love to see you here and have some fun and know what we are having 
  • Let’s celebrate this happy moment as we are having a baby, so we have arranged a gender reveal party. Wear Pink or blue to support a girl or boy respectively. Come and have some memories and fun. 
  • I love seeing you here as we arrange a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Come, join the party, and have some fun.
  • It’s time to guess, boy or girl, as we arrange a gender reveal party. Let’s see your choice and have some enjoyment. Join the party 
  • Let’s reveal our baby’s gender and know your guess was either right or wrong. We are throwing a grand gender reveal party at my place. Join the party, and let us know your guess
  • Everyone has the right to know about our baby’s gender, so we have arranged a gender reveal party. Come and enjoy the party and know our baby’s gender. 
  • We cannot keep this secret anymore, so we are giving a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Let’s give your guessing result.
  • Pink or blue, the choice is yours; we are hosting a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Come and join the party to know our baby’s gender. 
  • The suspense will be public as we are giving a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Come, join the party, and know the suspense.
  • Baby boy or baby girl? Let’s help to find it together. Join us for the gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). 
  • Whether it pink or blue? What will be true? You and your whole family are invited to a gender reveal party. Find out whether your guess was wrong or right. Join us to enjoy delicious food, drink, and the great news
  • He or she? Find out and be a part of this great surprise! It’s a kid’s theme-based Party and will be on (date) at (venue). No gifts are necessary, only a blessing.
  • Will our baby be a boy or a girl? Join us for a gender reveal party, and let us know what you think. Party is on (date) at (venue) 
  • We are going to reveal our baby’s gender, but first, let us know what you think. Wear pink or blue as we are hosting a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Come have some food, fun, and games, and learn the great news.
  • The great news is going to be public, and be one of the first to know it as we are having a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Join the party 
  • Team blue or team pink? Let us know your opinion. You and your whole family are invited to a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue). Join us for food, fun, games, and the great news 
  • The gender reveal test has been a boon for us as we can know a baby’s gender in the middle of the pregnancy, and we are arranging a gender reveal party on (date) at (venue) to reveal great news. Come join the party. 
  • Are you also excited to know about our baby? Come and join us at the grand gender reveal party on (date) at (venue) and (theme)

Searching for catchy names and taglines that stick in your head for days!? So check out the Best Gender Reveal Party Names.

Gender Reveal Invitation Wording

– A new baby is coming all the way. Visit us.

– Come and watch us as we are going to reveal the gender of our baby on that day.

– Make the evening more special with your presence, and bless our baby.

– Heard the new news? Make guesswork: a boy or a girl?

– Come all. We are expecting our bundle of joy to arrive soon.

– Visualize the theme of the party and guess who is coming.

– Join us as we will reveal the gender of our new child.

– We can’t hold our excitement to reveal the gender of our baby to you all. So come and join the party.

– Boy or a Girl? Let’s get to know each other.

– Pink or blue? On which side are you?

– Give your vote for a baby boy or girl and win exciting hampers.

– Be with us during the gender reveal.

– There’s a tiny bundle of joy coming to light in our world. 

– We want your presence at the gender reveal party. 

– Our new baby is flying our way and will join us anytime. So visit us and make the evening more memorable.

– We are happy as our first baby is on the way. Can you guess whether it’s a boy or a girl?

– We can’t wait to be three now. We can’t wait to share the gender of our new child with you all.

– Come and join us the following Sunday at our house as there is a gender reveal party.

– Twinkle, twinkle! It’s time for you all to know about the gender of our baby.

– Be with us on the 17th of August to know whether you should gift a Disney gown or a Mickey coat.

– God has blessed us with a lovely child. Therefore, join us on this auspicious occasion.

– Welcome new mommy-to-be. Grace the evening with your presence on the 12th of September at the Orchid Gardens.

– Our lifetime happiness will arrive soon. But first, let’s determine whether it’s a prince or a princess.

– It’s time to celebrate as we will be sharing the gender of our baby.

– Please wear blue since you know it’s who.

– The entire theme will be pink. In addition, the dress code will be pink for everyone.

– Don’t miss the party since we have great news to share with you all.

– Decide team blue or team pink. It will be revealed the following Wednesday. So don’t miss it.

– Come and sprinkle our baby with the best love of yours. Join us at the party.

– We are going to convey the secret news next Friday. Don’t miss it.

– Let’s celebrate the happy moment as we are going to share the gender of our sweet baby with you all. Don’t forget the party is on next month.

– The biggest and funniest party will be held on the 16th of December as we will welcome our new baby on board. Don’t miss the gender reveal moment.

Gender Reveal Event Wording

“Pink or Blue, We’re Revealing the Clue!”

“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, How We Wonder What You Are!”

“Bows or Bowties, What’s Your Guess?”

“He or She, What Will Baby Be?”

“Guns or Glitter, What’s the Matter?”

“Team Pink or Team Blue, We’ll Soon Know the Truth!”

“Waddle It Be? Join Us and See!”

“Boy or Girl? Watch Our World Unfurl!”

“Blue or Pink, What Do You Think?”

“Our Little Secret, Soon to Be Revealed!”

“Staches or Lashes, What’s Your Guess?”

“Footballs or Pom-Poms, Let’s See What Comes!”

“Pink Tutus or Tiny Boots, Stay Tuned for the Scoop!”

“Pistols or Pearls, Soon We’ll Know Our Girl’s or Boy’s World!”

“Peek Inside the Cake, the Answer’s at Stake!”

“Which Color Will Prevail? Come to Our Gender Reveal!”

“Cupcakes or Canapés, Tell Us the Baby’s Ways!”

“Prince or Princess, Join Us for Our Guess!”

“Gears or Bows, the Secret Unfolds!”

“Will It Be Noise or Dolls? Join Us for the Grand Unveil!”

“Join the Fun, Let’s Get the Reveal Done!”

“Pink Smoke or Blue Smoke, Join Us for a Fun Stroke!”

“Balloons High in the Sky, Will It Be He or She? Oh My!”

“Diaper Pins or Safety Pins, Let the Party Begin!”

“Pink Confetti or Blue Confetti, Help Us Celebrate and Get Ready!”

Gender Reveal Invitation Messages

– Our baby is on the way. So come and shower with your blessings.

– You have to come to welcome our newest member.

– Join us at the party and discover what gift is waiting for you.

– He or she, what do you think our baby will be?

– Blue coat or pink gown? What should be the theme?

–  Come and find it out, whether it’s a little prince or a princess.

– We are so excited and thrilled to welcome our happiness into this world.

– Pink or blue, the choice is yours. But first, find out the gender of our baby.

– Let’s see what your guessing power is. Then, join us as we are going to binge on exciting games to reveal the gender of our child.

– The suspense is over now. Finally, we are going to share the gender of our child.

– Come, join the party, and vote for the suspense. You will enjoy it.

– We are arranging a gender reveal party. So come and join the party and have some fun.

– It’s time to guess whether it’s a baby boy or a girl. So, join us and get to know the result.

– Let’s celebrate the moment together as we are going to share the gender of our new child.

– Join us for the big reveal! It’s a secret we can no longer conceal.

– Pink or blue, what’s our clue? Come find out at our gender reveal party for [Baby’s Name].

– Bows or bowties, which will it be? Join us for the reveal, and you shall see!

– Get ready to pop some confetti. It’s time to find out if it’s a he or a she!

– We’re ready to spill the beans – boy or girl? Join us to unveil the world.

– Team Pink or Team Blue? Pick your side and join us for the big debut!

– A bundle of joy is on the way. Join us for the gender reveal day!

– Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how we wonder what you are! Join us to find out!

– Join us for a day filled with fun as we reveal if it’s pink or blue for our little one.

– The moment we’ve been waiting for is almost here. Come celebrate as we make the gender clear!

– Is it a prince or a princess? Be our guest and take your guess!

– Pink tutus or baseball caps, come find out which way it maps!

– Our hearts are bursting with love and joy. Join us to discover if it’s a girl or a boy.

– Pink butterflies or blue balloons? Come to the party, it’ll be revealed soon!

– What’s in the oven, a bun or a muffin? Come to our reveal. There’s no bluffin’!

– We’re on the verge of a great surprise. Come see the truth before your eyes.

– Join us as we unveil the gender. It’s a moment you’ll always remember.

– He or she? What will it be? Come find out at our gender reveal party!

– Pink and blue, it’s time to choose. Join us for the grand gender news!

– The secret’s out, the countdown begins – boy or girl, which side wins?

Gender Reveal Party Invitation Message

– Let’s celebrate this happy moment together as we celebrate the arrival of our new baby.

– We can’t keep calm and are too excited as our tiny package of joy and unlimited happiness is soon to join our crew.

– Surprise! We are going to host a gender reveal party next week. Be present.

– The gender reveal party is soon. Wear pink or blue according to your choice. We will share the result that evening.

– You know how much we love babies, and we are expecting one. Let’s get to know about the gender of the baby.

– We have arranged a grand celebration party to welcome our baby. Join us.

– There is a gender reveal party next month on our lawn side. So please be with us and share our happiness.

– We can’t hold back the secret about the gender of our tiny tot. So be there at the party if you want to know.

– Please be a part of our celebration as we are going to reveal the gender of our sweet baby.

– Celebrate the happiest moment of our lives and bless us.

– We are thrilled with joy and excitement and can’t wait to share the gender of our sweet child with you all.

– A long-awaited question will finally be answered soon: Prince or princess?

– We have been on cloud nine since the day we received the news of being pregnant. So, let’s deliver the message, whether a boy or a girl.

– Should we buy all pink or all blue? Come and carefully choose.

– We are the happiest person on this earth as we will have a beautiful baby. So come and get your guesses right.

– Come and join us at the gender reveal party. We share food and secret news.

– We’re having a blast. The news will be fast – come to our gender reveal at last!

– What’s the buzz? Join us for the reveal of the baby’s gender with all of us.

– It’s not a puzzle, just a sprinkle – come to the party, and let’s all mingle.

– Is it a he or a she? Join us under the trees to finally see!

– Join us for the big surprise as we unveil the baby’s gender with our eyes.

– Pink and blue, we’re over the moon – come to our gender reveal soon!

– Our love is growing, and the secret we’re showing – join us for the grand revealing.

– You’re invited to the big event, where the gender reveal will be evident.

– We’re excited. We can’t keep it concealed – come find out if it’s pink or blue revealed!

– To discover the gender, you must attend – we’ll have a party, so let the fun begin!

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