Many individuals risk their lives to safeguard?? our nation and protect our freedom. It is imperative for us to always honor these brave individuals of the military, given that they are sacrificing their lives for us.
The liberty and freedom we enjoy now are only because of those who dedicate their lives to protecting us.
Many give their lives so we can live peacefully and happily?. In that respect, we have mentioned some of the best soldier quotes and sayings in the following paragraphs that will help to honor these brave soldiers out there.
One Man Army Quotes
-A man is not justified to live if he has not found out something for which he must die.
-A soldier happens to be in the Army and is also a citizen in their own rights. As a matter of fact, the highest privilege and obligation of citizenship is to hold weapons for one’s own country.
-We can slumber peacefully at night only because some tough individuals always protect us at the risk of their own lives.
-Heroism does not always take place in an explosion of glory. At times large hearts, as well as small victories, will be able to alter the course of our history.
-Any person who asserted that the pen is stronger than the sword never found an automatic weapon.
-We will be able to remain free only because of our personal faith in freedom.
-Our personal faith in freedom will help us to remain free.
-I am not sure the effect these individuals will have upon the enemy; however, they really horrify me.
-In case you are involved in a fair fight, this implies that your mission has not been planned properly.
-Where there are no guts, there is no glory.
-This nation has not witnessed and will perhaps never understand the genuine level of sacrifice performed by the veterans.
-It will be a wrong idea to mourn for those individuals who have died. Instead, we must be thanking the Almighty for all those who are living.
-Never give in except to good sense and convictions of honor.
-A person who dares is going to emerge victoriously. A person that perspires is going to win. Any individual who plans is also going to win.
-Individuals who happen to be cowards die several times prior to their death. On the other hand, individuals who are valiant die only once.
-A brave person is always going to be favored by his fortune and good luck.
-At times, soldiers can make decisions that are better than that of the others.
-Sometimes decisions taken by the soldiers are superior to that of other individuals.
-The military happens to be the true nobility of our nation.
Soldiers Sayings
-The world is undoubtedly a hazardous place not due to those who perform evil things but because of those individuals who do absolutely nothing.
-There are many individuals who not do anything at all and they have made this world such a hazardous place at present.
-Individuals who give up their liberties for safety purposes for a temporary period do not deserve safety or liberty.
-Freedom will prevail on this land if it is surrounded by brave souls.
-The brave never die and they simply slumber in the dust. Their courage inspires numerous men out there.
-Bravery happens to be the only individual who knows that you are scared.
-The freedom tree needs to be regularly watered.
-Individuals who are brave rejoice when there are obstacles, similar to brave soldiers who celebrate their victories in war.
-In case the conflict is harder the triumph is even more glorious.
-Without any soldier America is going to be like the Almighty without any of his angels.
-War happens to be the greatest evil that has been invented by Satan which corrupts our souls and hearts.
-The most significant evil which has been invented by Satan happens to be war. Although it is imperative for us to respect our soldiers, we should never respect war.
-An army which is safe is much better as compared to a border that is safe.
-We are residing in a world having walls which must be guarded by valiant men along with the guns.
-No man can become a genuine man unless he becomes a soldier.
-All genuine men have been soldiers at one time or the other during their lifetime.
Soldier Motivational Quotes
-The significance of war is such that it should not be left for the generals.
-You will never achieve freedom for free.
-It hardly requires heroes to drive people to battle. However, it requires a hero to be one of those individuals who himself goes to the battlefield.
-A hero happens to be somebody who ventures out to the battlefield on his own instead of ordering his men to go to war.
-Soldiers do not fight for themselves. They fight to free the lands.
-The military of any particular country symbolizes its national strength. A country with a powerful military force is definitely a prosperous nation.
-We are able to sleep peacefully at night because of the brave men who protect our borders risking their own lives.
-A soldier happens to be a person who is full of self-discipline, self-respect, and self-confidence and who takes pride in fighting for this country.
-Surprise is something that happens in the mind of the commander who is leading the enemy.
-No person is qualified to have freedom unless he is observant in its conservation.
-Genuine patriotism is not cheap. It is concerned with taking the burden of keeping the nation going.
-The only soldier who prays for peace is the one who ought to suffer the injury and scars of war-Douglas Macarthur
-Soldiers are those who belong to the death’s gray land and expect no dividend in return-Siegfried Sassoon
-Being a soldier, everyone needs a gene, some extra, special, that stimulates others to jump. Many of us could not even able to imagine it as we do not have as much strength. –Rupert Everett
-It is happening that every soldier thinks of moral values of his duties, but they must remember that war is not moral; if it is bothering you, that means you’re not a true soldier. –Curtis LeMay
Soldier Quotes Inspirational
-Soldiers are strongly committed to their duties. Their profession needs high devotion, sacrifice, honesty, and courage. They should not let the task end until it’s been completed. –John Keegan
-Soldiers who’re handful are much better than those who are full of arguments. -Georg C. Lichtenberg
–The task of the soldiers is to win the fights, and the credit goes to the generals. -Napoleon Bonaparte
-Soldiers are those men who are able to support and suffer all kinds of toils and hazards. –Henry Knyvett
-At the time of the fight, Soldiers usually visions about fire lit homes, beds and wives. –Siegfried Sassoon
-A soldier can be the best among others when his blood brings glory to the general. –Henry G. Bohn
-Only ten soldiers are enough to behead a hundred if they’re wisely led. -Euripides
-If our soldiers doesn’t have plenty of money that’s not because they don’t like to be rich or they’re not expected to live longer; it’s not for their disinclined to endurance. –Sun Tzu
-Self-confidence, perfection, completeness, and self-assertive are the crucial traits of a real soldier. –George Patton
-Good soldiers never skip a chance to eat or sleep. They’re not aware when they’ll get the next chance to do that. –Lois McMaster Bujold
-When soldiers start to think, then there is no place in the army for them. –Frederick
-Since our country’s birth, our soldiers have fought hard to protect and get freedom and also those who could not protect themselves, not just in India but in foreign lands too. –John Linder
–Before the battle, every soldier must be familiar with the concept that how his fight is important not only for his success but it influences the whole team. –Bernard Law Montgomery.
-American soldiers are courageous enough to put themselves to war to defend our freedom and also sacrifice for our protection. –Dan Lipinski
-Soldiers are not the one who performs police duties. They are not equipped for those roles. It’s very unfair to treat them like a policeman. –P. J. O’Rourke
-Becoming a soldier is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires a lot of training, teachings and discipline. There is no other doubt that one of the Army is found in the United States. –Daniel Inouye
Famous Military Quotes
-As much as a soldier becomes knowledgeable in his profession, as much as he becomes courageous in their duties. –Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
-Old soldiers never die, but their color just gets blurred with time. –Douglas Macarthur
-Glory comes with guts. –Frederick C. Blesse
-We’re able to get sound sleep at night because soldiers always stand there and are ready to attack enemies. –Winston Churchill
-Appreciate the bridge that takes you away high. –George Colman
-He is not wise or brave if he sits idle, thinks about the past, and waits for the future to bring some fruit. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Do you know what leadership is? It’s a technique or art to get something done on your behalf as per another’s will. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
-If we trust freedom individually, only then it makes it possible. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
-I do not offer food, salary, or quarter. I only make you feel thirsty or hungry, offer forced marches, fights and deaths. So, the true country lover can come to me. –Giuseppe Garibaldi
-If you’re a part of a fair battle, then you need to check your mission. –David Hackworth
-I only have one life to sacrifice for my country. That I regret most. –Nathan Hale
-Someone said the pen is more powerful than the sword and is surely the one who never experienced the power of automatic weapons. –Douglas MacArthur
-Without the winning intention, entering the war is a dangerous. –Douglas MacArthur
–It is better to live for something than to die for nothing. –George S. Patton Jr
-Soldiers is a citizen and also an army in themselves. An army is nothing without its soldiers. They have higher obligations and privileges of citizenship over them to bear arms in the country. –George S. Patton Jr
–You can’t lead me or follow me, get out of my way. –George S. Patton Jr
-If you want to get amazing and shocking results from others, don’t tell them how to do things, but show them what they need to do. –George S. Patton Jr.
-When I met enemies, I understood that they belonged to us. –Oliver Hazard Perry
-Force can be multiplied by eternal optimism. –Colin Powell
-Success can not come from magic spells. Planning, hard work, and lessons from failures are some constraints of success. –Colin Powell
-Everyone knows the right thing to do but the ‘doing’ part is what makes it worst. That’s the ultimate truth. –Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.
-Combat has been just as hell. –William Tecumseh Sherman
-I’ve not recognized the effect this man is carrying upon the enemy, but for god’s sake, I’m terrified of it. –Arthur Wellesley
-Military is not liable for wars, but politicians are. –William C. Westmoreland
-Theirs only one reason,’ Do and Die. –Lord Tennyson Alfred
-The reason behind the soldier’s battle is not because he doesn’t like the person before him, but because he loves the one who belongs to him. –G.K. Chesterton
-Yesterday was the only contented day.
-Peace and freedom; you can’t have both at once. –Robert A. Heinlein
–If America has no soldiers, then it would be like God, who has no angels. –Claudia Pemberton
-It’s completely a silly thing to deplore the death of a man. In this situation, we should be thankful to God for their life which they’ve spent well. –George S. Patton Jr.
-War is just like the demon or evil which spoils our hearts and souls. We should give glory to soldiers but not to war. –Dean Hughes
-When I hear the music at the wedding procession, I find it’s just similar to the music of soldiers going in the battlefield.- Heinrich Heine
-There is no honorable thing in sending men to die for something or some purpose when you don’t dare to take action for yourself. –Mark Owen
-I’m fully annoyed with the old men who have visions for young men to die in the war. –George S. McGovern
-I hope one-day Wars will remain only in movies not in real and the best producer may write his name on the winning trophy. –Stanley Victor Paskavich
-One should loyal to the country every time, but loyalty to the government depend upon their accuracy. –Mark Twain
-Except for the British War office, British Soldier stands up to anything. –George Bernard Shaw
-If you see your face through glass mirror, then see your soul too through works of art. –George Bernard Shaw
-The same language separated two different countries England and America. –George Bernard Shaw.
-An army that is safe is better than a secure border.
–I am quite worried about the security of our nation because there are so many deceitful forces targeting from within.-Douglas MacArthur
-The deadly one can see the war’s end point. –Plato
-In this world, walls need to be protected by force with guns. –Aaron Sorkin
-Sometimes, the soldier’s decision is smarter than the instructions they’ve been given. –Orson Scott Card
-No war can help to end up all wars. –Haruki Murakami
-A man is incomplete until he has been a soldier. -b
-Never try to swallow bait which is offered by rivals. Never interfere with the spiriti of army who’re returning to their homes.-Sun Tzu
-If soldiers do not bring their problems to you, that means they don’t trust on your solution or thinks that you’re no more interested in their issues. It is when leadership get failed. –Colin Powell
-Beans and Civilians are similar to each other which is suitable for any job which needs skills and savvy. But you never buy a spirit to fight.-Robert A. Heinlein
-To put the gown down, sometimes, you need to pick the gun up. –Malcolm X
-As a soldier, I don’t like war, because of brutality, futility and stupidity that I suffered in the war zone.-stupidity. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
-A man who dare to die unarmed is the strongest soldier.
-In Romans, Today’s general should be tomorrow’s soldier if it requires. –Thomas Jefferson.
-A soldier will put every effort in a fight to get a colored ribbon. –Napoleon Bonaparte
-It’s horrible feeling when you hold a first soldier, who is dying in your arms and you look at him, but nothing can do about it.-Norman Schwarzkopf
-Although God do not like war, but God admires our soldiers. –Rick Warren
-A positive trait of the soldier is to delight in the war, a terrible trait in the captain and a productive crime in the statesman.-George Santayana
-Everyone who is a lover can be called a soldier. –Ovid
-Before theater, I got to learn about the various aspects of life which makes me feel so delighted. I was a soldier.-Michael Caine
-I belong to a poor family and having a tough life before. So, I was a soldier.-Michael Caine
-I’m into the profession of a soldier in WWII. During the war, I lived in combat in real.-Mel Brooks
-If we give a chance to ever soldier to make one mistake, then surely we will lose the battle.-Stanley A. McChrystal
-I always wanted to be a soldier like my dad was. –Stanley A. McChrystal
-Courage is a common trait of human nature that is found in every soldier. –Edward Gibbon
-I was lucky to survive World War I whereas most of my comrades were not.-Lester B. Pearson
-A blood of patriot seed a tree of freedom. –Thomas Campbell
-Luck is nothing but just a word for skill for the soldier. –Patrick MacGill
-Soldiers are not mere like common people, but our icons. –Sara Sheridan
-One after another, war can be there, but soldiers live perpetually. –Tupac Shakur
-You will find Marshall’s baton in every soldier’s pack. –Napoleon Bonaparte
-Being a soldier, I fight when I get instructions and win when I fight. –General George S. Patton
-When officers create the fear in the heart of soldiers more than enemies, it is when the discipline comes. –Claude Adrien Helvetius
-A person can be a hero when he/she surrenders his life to the something which is more valuable than oneself. –Joseph Campbell
-I mark soldiers first in the rank if they baptized in the fire at the time of war. –Napoleon Bonaparte
-A king can’t be defended by the soldiers or money, but it is possible through some friends who won by good deeds, honesty and great qualities. –Sallust
-If a person is honest in their thoughts, is a soldier works in the army of logical liberty. –Robert Ingersoll
-Everyone is familiar with the thought that what will be the end result of the soldiers who are standing in the front line unit.-Richard Engel
-It is because of the soldiers who sacrifice their precious time, so that civilians take the full benefit of their time.
-Before validating my blood if death comes, then there is no doubt that I’ll kill my death. –Capt Manoj Kumar
-This is the quality of the soldiers that they never fear even though death is near. –Hans Christian Andersen
-The enemy is not the main rival of the soldier, but his own commander is. –Ramman Kenoun
-Every soldier’s first merit must be his fortitude of fatigue, courage comes after that. –Napoleon Bonaparte
-Austrian soldiers are not less than horses who are courageous enough, but can be easily afraid .-Franz Grillparzer
-A person who rejoice at their bad times can be like the brave soldiers who enjoy the victory in war.-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
-We do fight because we want victory but win a knock out. Remember, there are no runners up in the war, but only a triumph. –Genereal JJ Singh
-I believed that I’m a soldier and working on behalf of the soldiers. –Siegfried Sassoon
-It’s better to fight for freedom a die than to be a convicted through out the life. –Bob Marley
Quotes On Soldiers Sacrifice
- “The difference between being a coward and a hero is not whether you’re scared, it’s what you do while you’re scared.”
- “Crawling is acceptable, falling is acceptable, puking is acceptable, blood is acceptable, sweat is acceptable, pain is acceptable but quitting is not acceptable.”
- “I don’t know how I’m going to win. I just know I’m not going to lose.”
- “It’s better to fight for something than to live for nothing.”
- “The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you.”
- “Your freedom is the most expensive thing that you own, even if you didn’t pay it yourself.”
- “You’re a warrior and warriors don’t give up, they don’t back down. Pick up your sword, your shield, and fight.”
- “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
- “Pain is your friend, pain is your ally, pain tells you when you have been wounded badly and you know what the best thing about pain is?- It tells you, you are not dead yet.”
- “If they stand behind you give them protection, if they stand beside you give them respect, if they stand against you show no mercy.”
- “An actor died from a drug overdose all over the news. A soldier died protecting our freedom, not even mentioned.”
- “I am not a hero but I did have the honor of walking beside a few.”
- “Always be yourself unless you can be a ranger then always be a ranger”
- “They said that I could be anything, so I became an Army Ranger.”
Celebrate this day with World Rangers Day Messages, Quotes Greetings, and saying. Share these messages and quotes with your friends and family members.
- “Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
- “For those who fight for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know about.”
- “Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: ‘I served in the United States Navy.”
- “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
- “Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: ‘I served in the United States Navy.”
- “The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow.”
- “There’s no quitting for an army ranger, I can’t have quit in me. There was never an option to stop and quit.”
- “In the military, you learn the essence of people. You see so many examples of self-sacrifice and moral courage. In the rest of life, you don’t get that many opportunities to be sure of your friends.”
- “Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
- “Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.”
- “I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight.”
- “Discipline is the soul of the U.S. Army Rangers. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.”
- “The U.S. rangers army is the true nobility of our country.”
- “None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.”
- “Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war.”
- “Independence is not free, it costs the U.S. Army Rangers.”
- “The U.S. Army Rangers have three choices: give up, give in or give it everything that you’ve got.”
Check out the Best USA Army Birthday Messages, Quotes, and Wishes. Share with your family and friends.
- “The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, citizenship’s highest obligation and privilege is that of bearing arms for one’s country.”
- “To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less.”
Army Ranger Quotes
With the headquarters in Fort Benning, the United States army rangers are the designated United States army ranger agencies or units.
They fall under three categories: they belong to the past, present, or are the graduates of the US army ranger institutions or schools, in particular.
Army ranger quotes spread awareness among a massive number of people about the excellent sense of courage, bravery, and might of the army ranger officers, and to take a moment to celebrate their bravery and sacrifice for the entire nation.
“Rangers lead the way.”
“When you’re down to nothing, the Rangers are there to pick you up.”
“Rangers are the best of the best, the toughest of the tough.”
“Rangers never quit, they never give up, they never leave a fallen comrade behind.”
“Rangers don’t run from danger, they run towards it.”
“Rangers are warriors who fight and win against all odds.”
“Rangers are a brotherhood, a family, and we never leave our own behind.”
“Rangers are a breed apart, the elite of the elite.”
“Rangers are not born, they are made through hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.”
“Rangers are the silent professionals, the quiet heroes who do what needs to be done without seeking recognition or glory.”
Success and winning are not about not failing or falling several times. It is about how often you fall but choose not to give up.
Every little action in life is acceptable: shed blood or sweat, crawl and fall, hurt and feel pain, but not give up.
If you give up once, you lose in life several times. So save yourself the horror of not even trying for once!
Don’t you dare ever think of quitting or giving up? It is never an option to settle with or end up doing.
It is okay not to win, it is alright to fail, and it is perfectly fine to be miserable and vulnerable. But it is wrong to give up.
Vulnerability and failure are the best teachers of your life who strive to teach you patience, instill confidence and strength, and make you wiser!
If people teach you never to give up or settle for the better, you are only meant for the best things in life.
It is an honor of the highest accord to be a soldier of your country and serve the army solely for the wellness of your nation.
You do not receive independence for free. On the contrary, it requires the cost of millions of lives, efforts, and shedding of blood.
Honoring Fallen Soldiers Quotes
“Rangers lead the way!”
“Sua Sponte” – Ranger Regiment motto, meaning “Of their own accord”
“Rangers never quit.”
“I shall defeat them on the field of battle, for I am better trained and will fight with all my might.”
“Every man a king, every man a warrior.”
“Rangers are the masters of the fundamentals.”
“All men are created equal, then a few become Rangers.”
“Rangers are the ones who go when others can’t or won’t.”
“Rangers live for the fight, and they train for it every day.”
“When the going gets tough, the tough call the Rangers.”
It is time to show the world that you are capable of much more and can conquer the world with all you have.
If you strive to uphold your country’s integrity and strength, do not think of giving up or quitting.
The army serves the nation with all its confidence, bravery, courage, and strength. It is an honor to be a part of the army.
Sacrifice is the greatest weapon of every soldier in the army. With this magical weapon, they render the country a new life.
We live better, safe, and secure, and remain protected because of the selfless sacrifice of millions of soldiers who willingly fight for our safety!
Peace and safety surround us like a friendly halo at all times due to our beloved soldiers’ efforts, sweat, challenges, and risks.
Discipline and order are the key factors and the soul of the US army ranger forces. It furthers their growth and ensures positive success.
If you are ill-mannered and irregular, you cannot be a soldier of the US army ranger force. All that is required is discipline and goodness.
The strength of your character decides the ultimate power of your soul and actions. If you are capable, your actions will speak.
Funny Army Ranger Quotes
People often confuse success with never failing in life. You can never equate the two because falling several times teaches you to get up and try again to achieve success.
Success is not your favorite dish that would come to you served on a platter. You must pick up the ingredients and cook yourself to taste the delight of success.
Funny army ranger quotes motivate and encourage you to keep going in life no matter how tough it gets.
Despite all those obstacles that will always try to put you down and snatch away all your charm, you must keep going in life, all strong and brave.
Your strength of soul should roar louder than a lion, and your efforts should speak louder. You are to be remembered.
The country shall celebrate and remember you through your selfless sacrifice, efforts, hard work, and the strength of your mind.
All you are and desire to do in life is because of your nation and for your nation. Your dedication knows no bounds.
You have already reached the zenith of success through your willingness and acceptance to protect your country and motherland.
The entire nation relies on your efforts and your strength of mind. Do not give up. The country would break apart.
If you give up on every bit, the country shall lose all hope and strength in its minds. They are alive because of you, for you.
You are the pills of confidence, strength, and courage that keep the country moving and alive. Please do not give up on us.
Our country’s true honor and nobility thrive within the soul and body of the US ranger’s army soldiers, who are the sole means of pride.
Inspirational Army Ranger Quotes
Inspiration comes from your life’s best and most motivating teachers: patience, strength, and perseverance.
If you can be the most obedient student to these three life teachers, no one can stop you from owning those brave hearts and intelligent minds to protect your nation.
Inspirational army ranger quotes tell you about the selfless sacrifices of the army soldiers and their extreme sense of confidence, pride, and courage that leads them forward in life and assists them in taking care of the entire country.
“Rangers lead the way.”
“Sua Sponte” – Ranger Regiment motto meaning “Of their own accord”
“When I go to heaven, to St. Peter I will tell, ‘One more soldier reporting sir, I’ve served my time in hell.'”
“Rangers don’t quit.”
“All men are created equal, then a few become Rangers.”
“Rangers never leave a fallen comrade behind.”
“Not for self, but for country.”
“I shall shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.”
“Rangers don’t rest until they get the job done.”
“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”
The country glows in pride and celebrates the glory of victory and joy due to the endless efforts of the US ranger’s army.
The nation shouts in joy and glows in confidence because of the absolute sense of support and strength that they derive from the soldiers.
The soldiers are the actual source of oxygen and power that keeps every human being in the country alive and going!
Your strength, courage, wisdom, and glory shine the brightest and overpower that of the stars. The army is the genuine pride of the nation.
Brave and wise soldiers never fear failure or loss. All they fear is giving up and never doing so for their alma mater.
Bravery and strength allow the soldiers to rejoice in honor, nobility, delight, wisdom, and pride. It is time to celebrate!
Those who fear failure fall in life, and those who go on with whatever they have triumphed in war just like the brave soldiers.
Brave hearts never fall back or fall apart. Instead, they gather the broken pieces and start from scratch to prove to the world what they can!
Your abilities will speak the most when people misjudge, misinterpret, or misunderstand you. You can comprehend yourself and your actions.
You shall be the wisest judge of yourself. Do not let others teach you or tell you what you are and what you are capable of.
Soldier Love Quotes
Giving up and directly claiming how tough it was for you to solve or resolve is the most straightforward and seamless job of all time. But, of course, you lose and fail miserably when you decide on your incapabilities and impossibilities.
But on the other hand, army rangers’ mottos instill a great sense of confidence within you to be selfless, sacrificial and caring towards yourself, your family, and the even bigger family, your nation that relies upon you and your bravery.
You can conquer the world if you are a brave fighter, wise, confident, and understand the difference between what is right and wrong.
When you choose never to give up and go on in life, is when you receive the divine blessings of bravery and might.
You do not escape from something that disintegrates your mind, body, and soul and leaves you injured. Instead, you learn to understand and strive for the better.
If you cannot do something, it is not your inability. All you need to do is comprehend, understand, and undertake.
If you cannot sacrifice and be selfless, it will not be easy for you to protect your nation for the better and the brighter.
Being a soldier is not an easy task. It requires the willpower to undertake risks and challenge your own life for the nation.
If you are ready to die for the nation, the nation will reach every step possible to keep you alive.
You are the pride and the highest honor for the country. The country lives because of you and for you.
Brave hearts and young minds do not fear death or failure. On the contrary, they know how to conquer the world and show their abilities.
Courage and wisdom will lead you a long way in your life if you allow yourself to submit to the toughness of life.
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