A Speech on Does Technology Connect or Isolate Us?

Communication is an important factor in everyone’s lives today, it binds us all together, and technology has made it happen with its day-to-day upgrades. Today there are various social media platforms through which we can communicate and make new friends or follow people from every corner of the world.

Technology helps us to communicate with our far-away family members and even celebrity figures. New updates in technology allow us to connect the internet to every device and help us to make calls, text, and even video calls. 

Though we are immersed in the world of technology, we should always value the things around us too. Their special time with our family or loved ones’ trips outside with friends all should be made a must to keep the relationships much more active and stronger. Apart from the most crucial criticism, that the current generation is completely lost in the world of technology, we should appreciate the fact that these technologies have brought many people close to us for years.

With the face-moving world, many people might miss out on the opportunities to be a part of family gatherings and enjoy festive holidays.

These technologies have made it easier not to miss those meetups completely but make it possible virtually through smartphones, laptops, and many other gadgets. The bonds between long-lost relations can be recreated and cherished, long-distance love relationships can be maintained, far-away families can be kept in touch, and many such advantages are possible only through the advanced technologies currently present. 

Technologies have shown a great impact on overwork surroundings. No matter the location, all the employees can mail, connect, and discuss their work in a much simpler way, making the work easier and faster to complete.

Video conferencing has allowed people who had difficulties in being a part of the meeting possible, more security systems, alarming systems, GPS tracking; everything is made possible just at our fingertip. Even in school and college environments, teachers can keep a closer eye on the students and inform their parents directly about their child’s behavior and academic improvements. 

Ever since the 90s, it has been a huge debate on whether technology and the internet have brought people together or made them isolated. Many say it is because of our addiction to small screens. Technology indeed brings us together to stay connected in various forms. Like everything has its other side, technology also isolates people in some cases.

Apart from the overuse or addiction to these tiny screens, that could lead to eye pain, headaches, and other health issues and also increases the chances of being lazy. To avoid such laziness and being isolated, we could make sure we use these technologies for a shorter period and spend the rest actively participating in those which are possible for us to take part. It completely depends upon the choices we make that could keep us together and enjoy the benefits of these technologies or stay isolated from the real world. 

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