A Speech on How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

Hello and welcome to everyone. Today I am going to discuss with all of you the steps of goal setting and accomplish them.

First of all, we have to set a goal that is meaningful and worthwhile. A lot of people set meaningless goals – and then think that is why they do not feel any sense of achievement. We have to remember that the purpose of goal setting is to move us forward and initiate positive change in our life.

The fact that goals have to be achievable is a major piece of advice on the topic of the process of setting goals. Almost everyone knows that there’s no point in setting a goal that you could never achieve. As a result, you will get frustrated and abandon it.

We all should make our goals specific and clear. Goals that are vague tend to fail.

So when you’re setting a goal, use a good process that gives your goal a built-in action plan. You’ll start accomplishing more than you thought you can.

You need to try your very best to accomplish the goal you have chosen. That’s why writing down your goals is a common goal-setting tip; it’s the first step to achieving your goals. Develop an action plan that clearly specifies how you intend to achieve them.

Also, realize that accomplishing a goal is not a quick process it needs time for its accomplishment.

Making your goal public is another step that is really fruitful for many people. Knowing that others are going to be monitoring your results ensures your extra motivation.

Now we will talk about the step of giving priority to your goals. Goals cannot be a serious or grand project that takes a long duration of time to reach, but because they need serious commitment and need to be worked on regularly and each and every day, therefore each and every goal that you set will need your proper and serious practice and effort.

Setting a goal is actually a path or road to walk towards the result of accomplishing your desired target. It can be a very successful way if it is done correctly, but it’s a bit abstract or vague.  Therefore try to see your goal with more sense of reality.

A goal without a time limit is a goal that you have not fully committed to and a goal that you cannot achieve. Therefore, having a deadline will shape your plan of action.

Remember to evaluate your goal properly. We all should remember that goal setting is a process – and evaluation is an important step of that process whether you can accomplish your goal or not, there are always many other things which can be learned.

Now is the vital step of rewarding or encouraging yourself.

Internal satisfaction is a great thing, but encouragement or rewards can be immensely satisfying, as well. When you accomplish a goal, you’ve devoted your precious time and effort to the success, so take the time to celebrate your success, thus making yourself happy.

Therefore you should try these important steps to setting your goals and at the same time achieving them successfully.

Thank you for your time and patience.

A Speech on “Three Goals to Strive for In Life”:

First of all a very good morning to everyone present here in this auditorium. I am very glad to be the first speaker of this program. Today I want to talk you about the three main goals of our life.

A goal can be defined as an objective that we all want to achieve in our life. It is an important process of moving from where you are standing now, to where you want to be in near future. All successful people have distinct and clearly defined goals in their lives. This provides them with immense power, purpose and a sense of direction throughout their lives.

To become a successful person we need to have a goal. A life without a goal can be compared with a ship without a compass.

 No matter how you had been in the previous years, but what matters most today is how well you will utilize your capabilities and the facilities provided by your present and future.

How many people do have a specific goal in their life? People who had high goals in life proved themselves to be great and respectable persons for their countries. 

Specific goals in life enable us and give us the courage to move forward with serious determination. And this determination persuades us to strive hard to achieve our goal.

Maximum number of people are unable to be happy because they can’t determine in which way they are going in life, and so their lives become meaningless and without any value. As a result they lack an inner sense of self-esteem, often becoming irritated and taking it out their frustration on other people.
When you learn the procedure of setting these goals and start working towards achieving them, you will begin to feel satisfied that you are in control of your life or you are aware about your future path. You’ll also can spot the distractions and obstructions very soon, that can lure you out from your original course.
Goal setting is a powerful method for thinking about your ideas of future, and for motivating yourself to turn this vague dream of future into reality. More than this, properly set goals can encourage and inspire you very much, thus building your self- confidence.

There are distinctively three types of goals: based on time, focus and topic.

1. Time goals are the ones we can refer to as short-term or long-term. These types of goals solely depend on the duration of time.

2. Focus goals: These types of goals depend on the thoughts or decisions of the person himself. It emphasizes on the focal point.

3. Topic-based goals can be personal, professional, career, and financial. These types of goals depend on the personality and profession of the thinker or the person. It can vary as personalities or thoughts change.

Time, focus, and topic goals are not mutually exclusive.

Therefore we all have to be very careful and attentive in setting the right for us for the success of our future.

Thank you once again.

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