People might hurt you in different ways. You might think that avoiding how you feel might heal you. But this does not happen. This hurt builds within you and starts coming out like various other emotions?.
To stop yourself from hurting, you need to first accept the fact that you were hurt in the first place.
Acceptance begins healing. Holding onto what hurts?, hurts even more. Here are some quotes that might help you and your friends to deal with the pain and hurt.
You Hurt Me Quotes
-Sometimes, being hurt and angry helps you to survive.
-I survived instead of being hurt. That strong I was.
-Pain makes you stronger.
-Pain is like a sea. You might drown, but if you can swim, you can benefit from it.
-You can benefit from pain if you can swim in it and not drown away.
– I swam through the ocean of pain. Emerged stronger from it.
– I swam through the ocean of pain. Came out stronger than ever from it.
– I would not have known how strong I was unless you hurt me.
– My smile will never tell you how badly I am hurt deep inside.
– Sometimes, you need to be so hurt that you hit rock bottom. From there, you rise like a star, without looking back or falling apart.
– I hit rock bottom. From there, is rose and shone like a star. I still do.
– I can not thank you enough for hurting me so much that I know that you were not even worth my affection.
– The way you hurt me made me realize that how unimportant I was to myself. I needed to learn how to love myself before I started loving someone else.
– You were not just hurting me. You were making me stronger. You made me strong enough to leave you and walked away.
– There is no turning back. There is pain on every side. It is engulfing me.
– All you gave me was pain. All I returned to you was unconditional love.
– There is a difference between being angry and hurt.
– You have to decide whether you are angry or hurt. And yes, there is a hell lot of a difference between the two.
– Being hurt and angry are two very different things. But they loom quite alike. Here is where the problem lies.
– Be sure of what you are. Angry or hurt. This will make things easy for you and others.
– -Sometime you might look angry but all you are is hurt.
– Sometimes, there are deep feelings of hurt that they show as anger.
– Sometimes, there is a deep feeling of hurt that is misunderstood as anger.
– I was hurt. You thought I was angry and walked away. You should have at least asked.
– Some people hurt you, who broke you. They are not important. The one who made you smile is the one that matters.
– Do not give your life and importance to people who hurt you and broke you. The one who made you smile is the one that matters.
– The one who made you smile is the one that matters. Not people who hurt you and broke you.
– You should stop thinking about people who hurt and broke you. They are worthless. The one who made you smile is the one that matters.
– He made you smile. He is the one who should be important. People who hurt you and broke your heart should not be.
Sad Hurt Quotes
– You deserve better people like the ones who made you smile when some bad people hurt you and broke your heart.
– If it does not matter to you if I am hurt, that means I do not matter to you.
– If you still do it knowing it will hurt me, then I do not matter you.
– If you still do it knowing it will hurt me, then that makes me wonder if you really love me.
– If you still do it knowing it will hurt me, then that makes me wonder if you and I are even meant for each other.
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you, then my going away should also not matter to you.
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you then my staying in your life does not matter as well.
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you then I should get going from your life.
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you what is the point of being together!
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you, then I should look for someone who actually cares.
– If my getting hurt does not matter to you, then I should stop trying to make things okay and leave.
– You are hurt because you care too much about people who do not respect you. Move away from such noxious people.
– You are hurt because you care too much about people who do not appreciate you. Move away from such toxic people.
– You care too much about people who do not even deserve you. That is why you are hurt so often.
– You should stop caring so much about people who do not deserve you. You should not hurt yourself so much.
– What is the point of caring so much about people who do not even appreciate you? This is just going to hurt you. It still is.
– You are hurt because you care about people who do not even deserve you in their lives. you should stop doing that to yourself.
– So that now you are hurting so much, you should finally stop caring so much about people who do not even appreciate you. You are precious.
– You should understand that you are only hurt because you care too much about people who do not appreciate you in life.
– You should know that you are only hurt because you care too much about people who do not respect you in life.
– Honesty is a weird concept. You need it in a relationship because it makes it stronger, but it may end up hurting someone deep within.
– You have to decide sometimes whether you have to be honest or hurt someone.
– The worst place in life is standing in between two ways. One leads you to be honest. Others lead you to hurt someone.
– Relationships are so weird sometimes. They require you to be honest and not hurt the person simultaneously.
– I do not understand how this is going to work. Either we will be cruelly honed to each other and let the hurt seep within, or make a castle over lies and stay romantic.
I do not get how this is going to work. Either we will be unkindly honest to each other and let the hurt leach within or make a home over lies and stay starry-eyed.
– I would prefer being cruelly honest and dealing with the hurt that follows rather than lying and dealing with the guilt.
– If someone is hurt, they will hurt you too.
– People who are hurt will always find a way to transfer it to you.
– Hurt people make you surfer the guilt you are not even responsible for.
– Hurt people are contagious. They will find a way of transferring that feeling to you somehow.
– You need to let it go if you want to stop hurting yourself over and over something that happened just for one time.
– Let go of what you have been holding on to for so long. Let your heart be free from the pain and baggage you have been carrying for years.
– It will always come up and trouble you. The pain that has seeped in your skin will not make it easy for you to be happy. You have hurt ones.
– Healing from the pain will start from the moment you know that you are hurting so much because you are holding on to so much that you should have let go long ago.
– I have been broken, hurt, in pain, shattered, and lost. But all this you will never know because I will never show.
– I am drowning. I am in pain. But I know it will only last until I gather all my courage and swim again.
– Nobody will save you from the hurt or pain. Nobody can stop you from being broken. It is just you who has the courage to get up, dust away the dirt, and rise like a star.
– You might be sad, broken, hurt, and shattered. It does not matter until you know how to get up, smile again, and heal yourself.
– You cannot shine and be your strongest self unless you are completely broken and hurt once.
– To know who you are complete, you need to be hurt and be in pain.
– It hurts when to you, he is the world but for him, you are just a part of his world.
– It hurts when he means the world to you, but to him, you don’t.
– It hurts when he means everything to you, but you are just something to him.
– When the same person repeatedly disappoints you about the same thing. Nothing can hurt you more than that.
– Life is all about smiling even though when you are hurt.
– Smile, not because nothing can hurt you. But even if some things hurt, you know how to heal yourself and be better than you were.
– Word hurts you as nothing does. It seeps within your skin and spreads through veins like poison. It reaches every part of your being till you are not completely shattered and destroyed.
– People will hurt you with words more than they can hurt you physically.
– People have this power to kill you with their words more than you can even imagine.
– Words are the strongest tool. You can hurt people with it perish them. You can heal people with it and renew them from the hurt.
– Word can hurt you as nothing else can do. It goes deep within your skin and through veins, spreading like poison. It goes to every part of your existence till you are not fully shattered and destroyed.
– It hurts every time you tell me that you love me because I know that you do not.
Love Hurt Quotes
– It hurts every time you tell me that you love me because you do not hurt the people you love.
– It hurts whenever you tell me that you love me because you do not leave the people you love.
– It hurts to think about you because it makes me realize that you are gone.
– It hurts to think about you because it makes me realize that I need you, but you still are gone.
– I wonder it was all even real because you do not seem to be hurt the way I am.
– People lie because they usually do not want to hurt others.
– Sometimes, you are so hurt that you don’t even understand how to exist again.
– It takes time to realize that the people whom you love the most are hurting you the most.
– There is this beautiful thing about broken people. Even though they were hurt, they still loved their shattered parts.
– It takes years to understand that it was not people who were hurting you. It was just you letting them hurt you.
– The actions of your loved ones hurt you the most.
– Mental hurt is way beyond painful than any physical pain.
– Mental hurt makes you so exhausted that you become immobile for days, emotionally unavailable for years, and shattered beyond.
– The more you share your life and feelings with people who do not deserve it, the more chance you give them to hurt you.
– Sometimes you are so full of hatred and pain that you become bitter yourself. It is just someone else who has done wrong to you.
– You can know the extent to which you love someone is seeing how you treat them even when they hurt you.
– I have loved so deeply, and he has hurt me so brutally that thinking about love, I start hurting.
– Sad people were not sad since always. It is hurt that has pulled them into darkness.
– You cannot prevent yourself from getting hurt. All you can do is learn the art of letting things go.
– Most of the time we do not even admit that we are hurt because acceptance may cause more and more pain.
– To heal, you need to accept that you were hurt.
– Healing begins when you accept that you were hurt.
– When you let people in, you allow them a place in your life. So when they do wrong, it hurts deep within.
– The best way to heal is to forgive the person who hurt you even when they are not even sorry. Especially when they are not even sorry.
– Strong people are not those who have not been hurt. They have been hurt and broken. But they knew how to get up stronger.
– Do not react when you are hurt. You might do something you would regret.
– If people perceive you to be great, that does not mean that you are the best at handling your hurt.
– You grow internally and spiritually when you are patient even with those who hurt you.
– You grow internally and spiritually when you are calm about emotions that are hurting.
– You grow internally and spiritually when you are patient, even when you are hurt.
– Do great things when you are hurt. That is the best way to channel your emotions.
– Fight for yourself. You don’t have to be quiet when you are hurting.
– Your pain might blind you. You might only think about the hurt. But there is much more beyond that.
– Forgive people who hurt you for your own sake.
– Even if you are hurting deep within, that will not mean that you cannot heal.
– The worst thing is to be hurt and still be in so much love that you cannot leave.
– You do not deserve people who make you cry. Do not be blinded by love so much that you forget your self-worth.
– People for whom you are sacrificing might cause you the greatest pain.
– Do all you can for someone. But do not let people get you so much that it is easy for them to hurt you.
– The close you get to someone, the more chance you give them to hurt you.
Hurt Relationship Quotes
“The saddest thing about love is that not only the love cannot last forever, but even the heartbreak is soon forgotten.” – William Faulkner
“The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy.” – Jim Rohn
“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.” – Chuck Palahniuk
“It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.” – Anurag Prakash Ray
“It’s painful to see someone you love with someone else, but it’s more painful to know that someone else is making them happy.”
“The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could and it still wasn’t good enough.”
“The heart was made to be broken.” – Oscar Wilde
“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” – Kahlil Gibran
“The saddest thing about love is that not only the love cannot last forever, but even the heartbreak is soon forgotten.” – William Faulkner
“Sometimes, the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being behind the gun.” – Tupac Shakur
“Love is the hardest drug to quit, but it is even harder when it is taken away.” – Ashleyy
“It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
“Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.” – Bette Davis
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